Wednesday, April 21

I spent more on my new lens....

Than on my new computer. Yes. I am a bargain hunter. I know Macs look all sexy...and carry a price tag equivalent to the Parisian lingerie boutiques. As much as Microsoft irks me, I do love my ANCIENT Sony Vaio...and my color management photography-wise is spot on. So, after researching for about 6 weeks, I decided to get the Vaio JS Series All-In-One. Yes, I know Macs are faster....but the upgrade from my sad 1.66Ghz with .99GB RAM is going to seem super fast. Plus MS Office is already installed {I'm a Open-Office person but that's another story...}; the kicker? It's an office buy-out since the ad agency that purchased it {two weeks ago} found out that their software needs are

Mac compatible only! I'm nervous, anxious, excited, and happy all rolled into one under-caffinated body this AM. Oh, did you want to see it? Here's a stock photo until it arrives and has a new home in my office:
Every bit as sexy as the Mac. I have the gorgeous MX Logitech series wireless mouse...all that's left is a Wacom tablet and I'll be in new tech heaven.

If you want to shoot me a quick email or comment below with your guesstimate on what I paid for this glorious machine, the winner will receive a $25 gift certificate for photography services. Contest ends at 7pm CST on April 23, 2010.

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