Bad emme. Bad blogging again. Argh. I'm trying. Really! I promise. I've had a whirlwind of a week so far and have just got the sneek peeks of M&N's wedding ready from Saturday. I had to cancel my meeting with the Chamber of Commerce since Pants got sick on Monday, I had to help "re-wardrobe" my sis B {stupid principal changed dress code with a month left in the school year}, meet up with my GF M, move sis B in and oh yeah...softball on Monday and Tuesday eves {ok, A's softball games} and I'm pretty sure I managed to chip my elbow. Again. Today....I'm sore. A bit crankified, but that's because I awoke with a tension headache I'm yoga-ing out. Other than that, I'm in a good mood.
Did I mention that I also brought our dresser up the stairs solo yesterday? And did a number on my toe? I didn't? Well, there it is. Spring fever has hit with even more fervor than in March and I need to mow the lawn. It's crazy green and long =D
Apparently I'm a bit ADD this AM, but I promised photo <3; so here they are! {If you want to see them in more glorious hugeness, please visit my flickr stream here} *I finally upgraded my flickr account to pro...they told me I had too many photos...WORTH IT!*
Thursday, April 29
Thursday, April 22
Like mommy...
So, I found my first digital camera while de-cluttering this past month. The battery contacts are bad, so it stays on for about 5 minutes then turns off. Perfect for some toddler-use. Pants loves her camera! {Ok, the flash more than anything} Keep in mind this is when 4mp was top-of-the-line for P&S cameras. I was still shooting film and just learning the digital aspect of it all...
And yet, over 9 years later, the thing still works! Go Kodak!
And yet, over 9 years later, the thing still works! Go Kodak!
Wednesday, April 21
I spent more on my new lens....
Than on my new computer. Yes. I am a bargain hunter. I know Macs look all sexy...and carry a price tag equivalent to the Parisian lingerie boutiques. As much as Microsoft irks me, I do love my ANCIENT Sony Vaio...and my color management photography-wise is spot on. So, after researching for about 6 weeks, I decided to get the Vaio JS Series All-In-One. Yes, I know Macs are faster....but the upgrade from my sad 1.66Ghz with .99GB RAM is going to seem super fast. Plus MS Office is already installed {I'm a Open-Office person but that's another story...}; the kicker? It's an office buy-out since the ad agency that purchased it {two weeks ago} found out that their software needs are
Mac compatible only! I'm nervous, anxious, excited, and happy all rolled into one under-caffinated body this AM. Oh, did you want to see it? Here's a stock photo until it arrives and has a new home in my office:
Every bit as sexy as the Mac. I have the gorgeous MX Logitech series wireless mouse...all that's left is a Wacom tablet and I'll be in new tech heaven.
If you want to shoot me a quick email or comment below with your guesstimate on what I paid for this glorious machine, the winner will receive a $25 gift certificate for photography services. Contest ends at 7pm CST on April 23, 2010.
If you want to shoot me a quick email or comment below with your guesstimate on what I paid for this glorious machine, the winner will receive a $25 gift certificate for photography services. Contest ends at 7pm CST on April 23, 2010.
Friday, April 16
I'm no Jason Kubel....
Last night saw my first return to a softball field in over 5 years. Yes. 5 years. Being married to a baseball-player-and-softball-player meant I tagged along to a gazillion games {most of them double headers}, drove 2 hours one way to be his cheerleader, and brought the teams' first aid kit. About a week ago, I get a Facebook message asking me to play. After about 5 seconds of thinking, I say yes. I was not ready for A to be so enthusiastic about it.
"Do you need any more guys? I'll sub!" No honey, we have a full roster.
"Do you know where your glove is?" No honey, I lost that last year @ Whitney. I need a new one.
At which he proceeds to have me try on MENS 13 inchers...ummm, Hi. My name is Emily and I have quite possibly the stubbiest fingers known to man...other than my mother's.
"You need cleats." No honey, it's not that serious of a league {and I have better things to spend my fun money on}.
"Once you fall, you'll see what I mean! Don't say I didn't warn you." Honey, have you met me? I fall ALL THE TIME. I fall going UP the stairs, trip over toy cars {or imaginary items}, and yes, when I open the car door I have been known, on occasion to actually nail myself in the forehead with said door. I call myself "The Most Graceful Klutz Ever" because usually no one notices and I rarely end up wiped out completely. Put the camera in my hand and I'm Gene Kelly. {Perhaps I should just wear it like a necklace everywhere and see if my movement improves.....}
So, me, knowing two people on the team {two I haven't seen since HS back in '02) leaves 45 minutes early for a 3 mile trip to the Upper Deck. And anxiety hits. What if they ARE serious? What if I don't fit in at all? What if I get hungry and the only "food" has wheat? What if I get beaned right away during warm-ups? How will I know the team I'm on? {Yes, I knew we had T-shirts, but I was EARLY!} So, trying to calm my nerves, I drove the circuit and listened to Marketplace Money on MPR.
After the initial "I'm Emily and you are...?"s to 11 other people, I was much calmer. However I did manage to miss every toss to me in warm ups. Nerves. Let's say it was nerves.
Thankfully, with being on the bench for A's games and often keeping book, I knew how to do that and felt needed. Yes, I could've fielded the first game, but I like to think my awesomeness at bookkeeping won us game one. And I did run one in that game!
Game 2 was an hour after the first, so there was "Team Building" inside Upper Deck. Good caught up, broke some more ice, then went out for the late game. Cold. Windy. Dusty. Hands were freezing; I played out in Left and only missed one play....a grounder nonetheless. No worries. No runs on that one. Game 2 also had me walking at every at bat. Oh, did I forget that for game 1? I guess I'm intimidating; I kept hearing the bench coach telling the pitcher to walk me. Sure, I'm not tiny, but I can sprint like nobody's business. That led me to score 2 in the second game...which we inevitably lost.
Today brings a sore hamstring and other "running muscles", a welt from a line drive to the shin, and a bunch of self-confidence that I can do something better than I thought I could. Now next week, maybe the pitcher will throw something I can hit. {There was 1 strike out of 4 at bats...good eye over here!}
I know I owe some photo love, so I'll attach a bunch later today. Now it's coffee break time.
Have a wonderful weekend {you got your taxes done, right?}
"Do you need any more guys? I'll sub!" No honey, we have a full roster.
"Do you know where your glove is?" No honey, I lost that last year @ Whitney. I need a new one.
At which he proceeds to have me try on MENS 13 inchers...ummm, Hi. My name is Emily and I have quite possibly the stubbiest fingers known to man...other than my mother's.
"You need cleats." No honey, it's not that serious of a league {and I have better things to spend my fun money on}.
"Once you fall, you'll see what I mean! Don't say I didn't warn you." Honey, have you met me? I fall ALL THE TIME. I fall going UP the stairs, trip over toy cars {or imaginary items}, and yes, when I open the car door I have been known, on occasion to actually nail myself in the forehead with said door. I call myself "The Most Graceful Klutz Ever" because usually no one notices and I rarely end up wiped out completely. Put the camera in my hand and I'm Gene Kelly. {Perhaps I should just wear it like a necklace everywhere and see if my movement improves.....}
So, me, knowing two people on the team {two I haven't seen since HS back in '02) leaves 45 minutes early for a 3 mile trip to the Upper Deck. And anxiety hits. What if they ARE serious? What if I don't fit in at all? What if I get hungry and the only "food" has wheat? What if I get beaned right away during warm-ups? How will I know the team I'm on? {Yes, I knew we had T-shirts, but I was EARLY!} So, trying to calm my nerves, I drove the circuit and listened to Marketplace Money on MPR.
After the initial "I'm Emily and you are...?"s to 11 other people, I was much calmer. However I did manage to miss every toss to me in warm ups. Nerves. Let's say it was nerves.
Thankfully, with being on the bench for A's games and often keeping book, I knew how to do that and felt needed. Yes, I could've fielded the first game, but I like to think my awesomeness at bookkeeping won us game one. And I did run one in that game!
Game 2 was an hour after the first, so there was "Team Building" inside Upper Deck. Good caught up, broke some more ice, then went out for the late game. Cold. Windy. Dusty. Hands were freezing; I played out in Left and only missed one play....a grounder nonetheless. No worries. No runs on that one. Game 2 also had me walking at every at bat. Oh, did I forget that for game 1? I guess I'm intimidating; I kept hearing the bench coach telling the pitcher to walk me. Sure, I'm not tiny, but I can sprint like nobody's business. That led me to score 2 in the second game...which we inevitably lost.
Today brings a sore hamstring and other "running muscles", a welt from a line drive to the shin, and a bunch of self-confidence that I can do something better than I thought I could. Now next week, maybe the pitcher will throw something I can hit. {There was 1 strike out of 4 at bats...good eye over here!}
I know I owe some photo love, so I'll attach a bunch later today. Now it's coffee break time.
Have a wonderful weekend {you got your taxes done, right?}
Wednesday, April 7
Namey & Steventh
It's been awhile again; I've been crazy busy with wedding season kicking off for me last week. So, not much to say, but here's some photo love for your morning.....
photo session,
St. Cloud
Wednesday, March 31
There's no place like home.
It's been a whirlwind over these last couple weeks. Engagement sessions, babies, workshops, and a wedding. Now don't get me wrong, I like being busy-but I did miss the fam and the dogs{and time to drink hot coffee before running out the door}. So this morning we had a bit of a chat on how to balance my weekend work schedule against A's weekday/evening schedule as well as making plans for my sister to move in this month. A's weekends are Friday/Saturday and since I was booked solid both days, he went to offer moral support to his sister{and visit his family} Friday to Saturday evening. Then, by some odd scheduling, I had scheduled an engagement shoot early on Sunday{missing church} and have been off-kilter this week. Monday rolled in and I was off to Camp David for some great seminars {and managed to snag a door prize even!} {Getting stuck in traffic was not my idea of fun and I was actually listening to Top 40 to stay alert...}
I was thrilled that A made fried chicken and onion rings for dinner, {from scratch...and no, not on a stick} and thought to invite one of our friends over since her husband works away from home 4 days&nights a week leaving her to work and take care of their 4 month old. She's an amazing gal. We chatted until the little guy dozed off about 8:30, all our eyes were getting heavy. Off to bed we went{and held hands almost all night long=D}
Enough of the busy; at least for this weekend. It's Easter and I want to be with family. No computers, no editing. Bike rides and backyards. Naps and a bonfire. So forgive me for being behind on the blog. I promise I'll make it up to you soon.
I was thrilled that A made fried chicken and onion rings for dinner, {from scratch...and no, not on a stick} and thought to invite one of our friends over since her husband works away from home 4 days&nights a week leaving her to work and take care of their 4 month old. She's an amazing gal. We chatted until the little guy dozed off about 8:30, all our eyes were getting heavy. Off to bed we went{and held hands almost all night long=D}
Enough of the busy; at least for this weekend. It's Easter and I want to be with family. No computers, no editing. Bike rides and backyards. Naps and a bonfire. So forgive me for being behind on the blog. I promise I'll make it up to you soon.
Saturday, March 20
Making a difference {Help-Portrait}
Officially, Help-Portrait only is "active" one day a year. I think that's too little. I love being able to put a smile on someone's face and a little pep in their step. I got this email from a family who I gave a free session, photos, and disc of their shoot. Their "lil man" is only 1 yr old and had his second brain surgery 2 days after their session. You can understand why photos are so important....
Got them yesterday! OMG we all cried, what a wonderful job. We have never had a picture taken with all us in it and hubby and i have never had a pic taken together. There is one pic you took and Justice is peeking through the little slots, that picture is the best and the look on lil mans face is priceless. I sincerly appreciate it, I dont think you really realise how much this meant to me and my husband. And we called grandma last night to tell her and she is all excited, and she is just gonna love it and perfect timing too her birthday is coming up. Thank you so much for doing this for us, this is the best thing that has happened for us in a long time, you{'re} an angel!!
They made my day and touched my heart. If you know someone who would greatly benefit from a photo session, please let me know. I'm also partnering with the local Thrivent chapter with the Habitat for Humanity builds this summer, and with weddings galore, I will be busy.
Touch someone's heart and you touch their lives.
Happy Saturday!

Got them yesterday! OMG we all cried, what a wonderful job. We have never had a picture taken with all us in it and hubby and i have never had a pic taken together. There is one pic you took and Justice is peeking through the little slots, that picture is the best and the look on lil mans face is priceless. I sincerly appreciate it, I dont think you really realise how much this meant to me and my husband. And we called grandma last night to tell her and she is all excited, and she is just gonna love it and perfect timing too her birthday is coming up. Thank you so much for doing this for us, this is the best thing that has happened for us in a long time, you{'re} an angel!!
They made my day and touched my heart. If you know someone who would greatly benefit from a photo session, please let me know. I'm also partnering with the local Thrivent chapter with the Habitat for Humanity builds this summer, and with weddings galore, I will be busy.
Touch someone's heart and you touch their lives.
Happy Saturday!
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